what color are maine coon cats

What Color are Maine Coon Cats, Pattern & Statistics

Attribute Description
Size One of the largest domesticated cat breeds
Appearance Robust bone structure, rectangular body shape, high cheekbones, large round eyes, tufted ears
Fur Thick and water-resistant, longer on the rump and shorter on the head
Color of Eyes Typically green or gold
Origin Maine, United States
Nature Friendly, affectionate, highly intelligent, very vocal, agile
Nickname ‘Dogs of the cat world’
Special Traits Enjoy interactive play and climbing activities, easy to train



Maine Coon Colors

Maine Coons are admired for their varied and stunning coat colors. There are over 75 recognized color patterns including black, white, red, and cream, as well as a multitude of patterns such as tortoiseshell, tabby, and smoke.

However, Maine Coons never have pointed patterns like the Siamese breed. The richness and diversity of their coat colors truly add to the Maine Coon’s majestic allure.

Black Color

The Black Maine Coon, one of the most striking variations of this breed, is truly a sight to behold. Their coats are a deep, glossy black, similar to the color of obsidian.

These magnificent felines have an air of elegance and mystery around them, adding to their distinctive charm. The Black Maine Coon’s fur is still thick and water-resistant like other Maine Coons, and under certain light conditions, it may even appear to have a chocolate or rusty hue.

Despite their intimidating appearance, Black Maine Coons have the same friendly and affectionate demeanor that the breed is renowned for. It’s worth noting that a pure Black Maine Coon is quite rare as the black color needs to be dominant in both parents’ genes.

White Color

The White Maine Coon is an exceptionally stunning variation of this large and sociable breed, capturing hearts with its pure, snow-like coat.

Not to be mistaken with albinism, the white coloration in Maine Coons is a result of the dominant white gene which masks other colors. This means that while the cat appears completely white, beneath this snowy exterior, they carry the genes for other colored fur.

A White Maine Coon’s fur, like other Maine Coons, is thick, plush, and water-resistant. This coat of white doesn’t just add to their majestic appearance, but also serves as excellent insulation, helping them withstand harsher climates.

The White Maine Coon, despite its breathtaking beauty, is quite rare due to the genetics involved. As with their counterparts, White Maine Coons possess the same friendly, intelligent, and playful nature.

An interesting trait among these cats is their eye color, which can vary from deep emerald green to brilliant gold, and sometimes even captivatingly mismatched, further enhancing their enchanting allure.

Red Color

The Red Maine Coon, also known as a ginger or orange Maine Coon, is a captivating variant of this majestic breed. Their fur color ranges from a mellow cream to a vibrant, fiery orange, resembling the hues of an enchanting sunset.

The red coloration is a result of the sex-linked orange gene, which means it can appear in both males and females, but it is more common in males.

Much like their counterparts, Red Maine Coons possess a thick, water-resistant coat which is often adorned with enchanting tabby patterns.

These patterns often manifest as swirling whirls and stripes, adding to their unique charm. Under different lighting conditions, their fur can exhibit an impressive array of shades, making these felines an absolute marvel to behold.

Their eyes, usually a striking gold or green, contrast beautifully with their red coat, lending to their distinctive mystical allure. Despite the fiery appearance, Red Maine Coons retain the characteristic friendly, playful, and intelligent nature of the breed.

They are just as affectionate and sociable as any other color variant of Maine Coons, enchanting their owners with their endearing personalities and stunning aesthetics. However, just like other color variants, a pure Red Maine Coon is quite rare due to the specific genetic requirements.

Cream Color

The Cream Maine Coon is a delightful variant of this magnificent breed, enchanting cat lovers with its off-white, creamy coat. The cream color ranges from a pale, almost white hue to richer, deeper shades of cream, akin to a delicious scoop of vanilla ice cream.

This delightful color is the result of dilution of the red gene, which is a recessive trait. Hence, both parents must carry the dilution gene for a litter to have Cream Maine Coon kittens.

The fur of Cream Maine Coons is just as thick, plush, and water-resistant as that of their counterparts and often showcases beautiful tabby patterns.

These patterns manifest as soft swirls and stripes, adding a touch of elegance to their creamy coat. Under different light conditions, the fur can exhibit a range of delightful cream shades, making these felines a charming spectacle.

Cream Maine Coons typically have eye colors that range from a deep, enchanting green to a brilliant gold, which contrast beautifully with their creamy coat.

This contrast further enhances their alluring appearance. Despite their unique coloration, these charming felines share the friendly, intelligent, and playful tendencies that Maine Coons are known for.

They are sociable, affectionate, and just as enchanting in personality as they are in appearance. However, pure Cream Maine Coons are quite rare due to the specific genetic requirements involved.

Patterns of Maine coon Cats


The Tortoiseshell Maine Coon, affectionately known as a “tortie,” is an exquisite variant that captivates with its unique coat. The tortoiseshell pattern is named after the multi-colored shell of a tortoise and is characterized by brindled patches of black, red, and cream. The result is a delightful mosaic that makes each tortoiseshell Maine Coon distinctly unique.

The coat of a Tortoiseshell Maine Coon is truly a spectacle, as the thick, water-resistant fur common to the breed beautifully displays the patchwork of colors.

Depending on the lighting conditions, the coat can highlight an array of mesmerizing shades, adding to the cat’s inherent charm. An interesting note is that tortoiseshell pattern mainly occurs in females due to the genetics involved.

Torties, just like other Maine Coons, possess that same friendly, intelligent, and playful nature. Their eyes, typically a lustrous gold or deep green, contrast wonderfully with their multi-colored fur, enhancing their stunning appearance.

Despite their extraordinary coat, Tortoiseshell Maine Coons are as sociable and affectionate as any other color variant of the breed. They certainly add an additional layer of enchantment to the already majestic Maine Coon lineage. However, a pure Tortoiseshell Maine Coon is quite rare due to the specific genetic requirements.


The Tabby Maine Coon, one of the more common color patterns within the breed, is known for its iconic ‘M’ shaped mark on the forehead. This classic pattern is not unique to Maine Coons but is widespread among various breeds.

The Tabby pattern includes distinct markings such as stripes, swirls, and spots, adding depth and intrigue to the coat of these majestic felines.

Tabby Maine Coons come in a range of shades including brown, blue, red, cream, and silver. The broad color spectrum, combined with the diverse tabby patterns, creates a myriad of unique and beautiful combinations.

The intensity of the color and the prominence of the pattern can vary significantly depending on the individual cat and its specific genetic makeup.

These cats have thick, luxurious, water-resistant coats that showcase the tabby patterns beautifully. Under different lighting conditions, their fur can display an impressive range of hues, further highlighting the unique tabby markings.

Their eyes, typically a striking gold or green, contrast wonderfully with their patterned fur, adding to their overall mystique.

Despite the diverse range of their coat patterns, Tabby Maine Coons retain the characteristic friendly, playful, and intelligent nature of the breed. They are sociable, affectionate, and as captivating in personality as they are in appearance.

Like all Maine Coons, the genetic makeup required to produce a pure Tabby Maine Coon is complex, making them as rare and cherished as other variants of this enchanting breed.


The Smoke Maine Coon is an enchanting variant of the breed that possesses a stunning “smoke” pattern in its fur. At a glance, these majestic felines may appear solid in color, but the mystery of their coat lies beneath the surface.

The fur’s outer layer, known as the ‘guard hairs’, is dark, while the undercoat is significantly lighter, creating an impressive smoky effect.

When the Smoke Maine Coon is at rest, the darker guard hairs dominate, giving the cat a solid, dark appearance. However, in moments of movement or when the fur is ruffled, the lighter undercoat is revealed, creating a mesmerizing ‘smoke’ illusion. This smoke pattern can come in a variety of hues, including black, blue, cream, and red, each offering its own unique charm.

Smoke Maine Coons possess the same thick, plush, water-resistant fur that is characteristic of the breed. The density and texture of their coat effectively capture the smoke pattern, enhancing its dramatic effect. Their eyes, usually a striking gold or green, contrast beautifully with their smoky coat, further reinforcing their mystical allure.

Like other Maine Coons, these smoke-patterned felines exhibit a friendly, playful, and intelligent nature, enchanting owners with their striking appearance and endearing personality traits.

However, due to the specific genetic requirements to produce the smoke coloration, pure Smoke Maine Coons are quite rare, adding to their intrigue and desirability.


Maine Coons, regardless of their color or pattern, exhibit several characteristic traits that set them apart from other cat breeds. Known as ‘gentle giants’, they are one of the largest domesticated cat breeds, with males typically weighing between 13-18 pounds, and females ranging from 8-12 pounds. The size of a Maine Coon adds to their majestic appearance and emphasizes their robust, muscular build.

Their heads are medium-sized with a square outline, high cheekbones, and a firm chin that aligns with the nose when viewed in profile. Their eyes are large, expressive and slightly oblique, contributing to their alert and intelligent expression. The eye color can vary, with green, gold, and copper being the most common, although white Maine Coons may have blue eyes or even odd-colored eyes.

One of the most distinctive features of the Maine Coon is their ears. They are large, wide-based, and set high on the head. They are also known for their lynx-like ear tufts and hair furnishing within the ears.

The Maine Coon’s coat is another spectacular feature, heavy and shaggy but silkier on the shoulders and stomach. A ruff around the neck, a bushy tail, and britches (long hair on the hind legs) help in cold weather, echoing their ancestors’ Maine origin.

Maine Coons have large round paws with tufts of fur between the toes. Their tail, as long as the torso, is bushy and can be draped over the face and shoulders for warmth.

Finally, their personality is as exceptional as their appearance. Maine Coons are known for their friendly, outgoing, and playful nature. They are intelligent and enjoy interactive toys and games that challenge their minds.

Their sociable behavior extends to other pets and children, making them an excellent choice for families. Despite their large size, they are known to be good climbers and have an affectionate nature, often following their owners around the house, contributing to their nickname as the “dogs of the cat world.”


The Maine Coon cat is a spectacle of nature, their appearance exuding a wild charm that is hard to resist. Their voluminous, shaggy coat comes in a wide range of colors and patterns, adding to their regal allure. The breed standard allows for all coat colors and patterns, except for the pointed pattern similar to that of a Siamese cat.

This robust breed is large-sized, with males typically reaching 13-18 pounds, and females falling into 8-12 pound range. Maine Coons possess a muscular, rectangular body, with a broad chest and a long, bushy tail, which they often use to wrap around themselves for warmth.

Their heads are square-shaped, with high cheekbones and strong chins. Their eyes are large, round, and come in various colors, including green, gold, and copper. White Maine Coons, however, can have blue or odd-colored eyes. One of the most distinctive features of the Maine Coon is their large, tufted ears, reminiscent of their lynx ancestors.

The Maine Coon’s coat is another unique feature, with its heavy, water-resistant fur that is silky at the shoulders and stomach, and a ruff of fur around the neck. This coat is designed to withstand harsh climates, a nod to their origin in the cold state of Maine.


Maine Coons are known for their affable nature and sociable demeanor, showcasing a pleasant temperament that makes them a delight to have as household pets.

They are often referred to as “gentle giants” due to their large size coupled with their mild disposition. Known for their intelligence, they are curious and playful, often engaging in games that challenge their mental agility.

Just like their ancestors who roamed the forests of Maine, these cats carry an innate love for exploration, often showing an interest in their surroundings and the activities of their human companions.

Despite their independent streak, they are far from aloof. Maine Coons are known for their loyalty and often form strong bonds with their human families.

These felines are neither overly clingy nor distant, striking the perfect balance that makes them affable companions. They can be quite playful and enjoy interactive toys that stimulate both their physical and mental faculties.

Their friendly nature extends to other pets in the household, and they are known to get along well with respectful dogs and other cats. They are patient with children and can be wonderful family pets.

Their sociable and affectionate personality, combined with their striking appearance, makes the Maine Coon a truly exceptional breed.

Whether they are showcasing their athletic prowess, engaging in a game, or simply snuggling up with their favorite human, their amicable temperament shines through, making them a beloved choice for feline enthusiasts worldwide.

Living Needs

Maine Coons, given their large size and high energy levels, require a living environment that is spacious and stimulating. They thrive in homes with ample room for them to roam, play, and explore.

Their living area should ideally include cat trees or shelves that allow them to climb and survey their surroundings from a height, fulfilling their instinctual need for vertical spaces.

In terms of diet, Maine Coons have a healthy appetite, reflective of their size. They require a balanced diet with a good mix of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. High-quality cat food designed for large breeds or active cats is often a good choice for Maine Coons.

Grooming needs for Maine Coons include regular brushing to keep their long, silky coats in good condition and to prevent matting. Despite their double coat, they are less likely to mat due to the texture of their fur.

However, a good brushing regime helps to reduce shedding and hairballs. Additionally, their large ears should be checked frequently for cleanliness to prevent infections.

Despite their hearty constitution, Maine Coons are prone to certain hereditary health conditions such as hip dysplasia and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Regular vet check-ups are essential to monitor their health and detect any potential issues early.

Lastly, Maine Coons are social creatures who need interaction and mental stimulation. They appreciate toys, puzzles, and interactive games. They also enjoy the company of their human family members and other pets.

A lonely Maine Coon is often a bored, and potentially destructive Maine Coon. Therefore, ensuring they have regular interaction and stimulation will help keep them happy and healthy.


Caring for a Maine Coon cat is a rewarding experience that requires a bit of knowledge and preparation. Due to their large size and active nature, Maine Coons need plenty of exercise. Providing them with a variety of toys and interactive games will help keep them mentally and physically stimulated.

It’s important to remember that Maine Coons have a unique double-coat that needs regular grooming. While their fur is less prone to matting compared to other long-haired breeds, brushing them at least once a week will help to control shedding and prevent hairballs.

In terms of feeding, these cats require a nutrient-rich diet to sustain their energy levels. High-quality cat food, particularly ones formulated for larger breeds or active cats, would be ideal. Incorporating both dry and wet food can provide a balance of hydration and dental benefits.

Healthcare for Maine Coons is also crucial due to their predisposition to certain hereditary health conditions. Regular vet visits and preventive care are vital for early detection and treatment of any health issues.

Moreover, Maine Coons thrive on interaction and companionship. Spending quality time with your Maine Coon, playing games, or simply relaxing together can strengthen your bond and keep your cat content.

Above all, caring for a Maine Coon involves providing them with love, respect, and understanding of their unique needs and characteristics. With the right care, these magnificent cats can make a delightful addition to any household.


When it comes to Maine Coon cat health, there are a few specific aspects to keep in mind. Being a large and active breed, Maine Coons require regular exercise to maintain their muscular physique and to prevent obesity.

A sedentary lifestyle can lead to weight gain which in turn can cause a series of health issues, including diabetes and joint problems.

Maine Coons are genetically predisposed to certain health conditions such as hip dysplasia, a condition that affects the hip joint, and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM), a form of heart disease. Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial to detect any signs of these conditions early and initiate appropriate treatment.

Good dental hygiene is also important for Maine Coons. Regular teeth brushing and professional dental cleanings can prevent dental disease, which if left unchecked, can lead to more serious health concerns.

While Maine Coons are generally hearty and robust cats, they, like all pets, can be susceptible to fleas, ticks, and other parasites. Regular preventative treatments are important to keep these pests at bay.

Ensuring your Maine Coon receives all necessary vaccinations and regular health screenings can go a long way in maintaining their overall health and well-being. With proper care and attention, this majestic breed can live a healthy and fulfilling life, bringing joy to their owners for many years.


The origin of the Maine Coon cat is shrouded in mystery and folklore, adding to the allure of this magnificent breed. One popular theory suggests that Maine Coons are descendants of long-haired cats belonging to Marie Antoinette, the queen of France, who sent her cats to America during the French Revolution for their safety.

However, the most plausible theory is that Maine Coons evolved from the mating of short-haired domestic cats and long-haired cats that arrived in America with seafarers, possibly the Vikings or European traders.

The Maine Coon’s name is believed to come from the state of Maine, where it was first recognized as a distinct breed, and the raccoon, due to a belief that the breed was a cross between domestic cats and raccoons. Of course, we now know this is genetically impossible, but the name has stuck.

In the late 19th century, Maine Coons were exceedingly popular and frequently won at early cat shows in Boston and New York. However, with the introduction of other long-haired breeds such as Persians, their popularity waned.

It wasn’t until the 1950s, when a group of breeders in Maine formed the Central Maine Coon Cat Club to preserve and promote the breed, that the Maine Coon started to regain its former popularity.

In 1985, the Maine Coon was named the official state cat of Maine, in recognition of its status as a beloved symbol of the state. Today, the Maine Coon is one of the most popular and sought-after cat breeds in the world, renowned for its size, personality, and striking appearance.

Fun Facts

Maine Coon cats are an intriguing breed with plenty of interesting characteristics. Here are some fun facts that make them even more endearing to cat enthusiasts:

  1. Biggest Domesticated Cat Breed: Maine Coons are the largest breed of domesticated cats. A male typically weighs between 13 to 18 pounds, while females weigh between 8 to 12 pounds. However, some Maine Coons can grow even larger. The longest cat ever recorded was a Maine Coon named Stewie, who measured an incredible 48.5 inches from nose to tail!
  2. “Dog-Like” Traits: Maine Coons are often described as having “dog-like” characteristics due to their playful, loyal, and trainable nature. They are known for fetching toys, following their owners around, and can even be leash-trained for outdoor walks!
  3. Strong Swimmers: Unlike most felines, Maine Coons have a fascination with water, attributed to their water-resistant fur and tufted paws. These features make them strong swimmers.
  4. Distinctive Sounds: The vocalizations of Maine Coons are distinctive. They make a variety of sounds from chirps to trills, often described as more of a “chatter” than a meow. These sounds are thought to be a method of maintaining communication with their human family members.
  5. Long Lifespan: For a large breed, Maine Coons have a long lifespan. They often live into their mid to late teens, with many reaching their early twenties in good health.
  6. Shaggy Tails: The Maine Coon’s bushy tail, which they often wrap around themselves when resting, serves a practical purpose beyond just good looks. It can act as a warm cover in cold weather, demonstrating their adaptation to the harsh winters of Maine.

These fun facts just add to the charm of the Maine Coon breed, making it easy to see why they are such a popular choice for pet owners worldwide.

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